One of the first things I missed when my daughter died, was hearing her voice. I listened to the recording on her voice mail over and over again. Thankfully, she and her friends had been silly enough to make videos of themselves. I used these videos to record Katie saying silly things. We put those recordings inside some teddy bears for her brother and sisters. The sound of her voice brings back so many memories.
Did you know your voice is as unique as your fingerprint? Some companies are beginning to use voice recognition instead of passwords. "Your voice is unique because of the shape of your vocal cavities and the way you move your mouth when you speak."
A few months ago, there was a story on NPR about a man with ALS who began recording phrases in his own voice to play back when he loses the ability to speak. This way, when the computer talks for him, it will actually be his voice that people hear. What a gift he is creating for his wife.
Have you ever considered recording your stories or stories from grandpa and grandma to play for your children. Use websites like "Saving Memories Forever" to record and save personally narrated stories for posterity. I can't imagine the joy it would bring to be able to listen to my dad or my daughter tell me a story as if they were right beside me once again.
What phrases would you record for your family? What would you want those you love to hear straight from your mouth?