I sometimes feel like I don't want to leave church because I feel so close to the spirit. Today, there were a few talks on becoming closer to the spirit. One of the talks focused specifically on music. One of the things she said rang true for me. She talked about how music is used to praise and thank the Lord for our blessings. This is not the main topic of her talk, but I felt that maybe if I spent more time and energy in thanking the Lord then I would feel closer to the Lord. That is something I am going to work on. I am very blessed and I don't think I am anywhere near as grateful as I should be.
I then got to teach Nathan's primary class. That was a joy. Those kids are awesome (of course most of them are also my cub scouts-so that makes them even better). I loved having a gospel discussion with 8-9 year-olds. They are so smart. Much more knowledgeable about the gospel than I was at that age.
Later I got to stay for a baptism. I love staying for those because the spirit is so strong at baptisms. Then, someone had to decide to sing "Nearer My God to Thee". Some how I ended up conducting the music and there I was in front of everyone trying not to cry. The words to this song remind me of what it will be like when we leave this life and are able to spend time with our Savior and Father! I want so much to be with Katie and feel the love and peace that she must feel.
Saturday we are going to the temple and I am looking forward to being as close to her as I can be while on the earth.
Saturday will be awesome. I'm going to make you some cds of some of my favorite "churchy" music. They're not hymns, but are beautiful and uplifting. Love you!