Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Lord works in mysterious ways. The trick is having the faith that you need to make it through the puzzles in a positive manner while following the “clues” that Heavenly Father leaves you.

While Brad and I were reading in the Doctrine and Covenants, we came across this scripture:  “Therefore this is thy gift: apply unto it.” (D&C 8:4) Later, this gift is taken away and the Lord states that “it was expedient when you commenced; but you feared, and the time is past, and it is not expedient now. .  .” (D&C 9:11).

I believe this scripture was put in the Doctrine and Covenants for me to read at this time in my life. As I read this story, I realized the Lord was talking to me. The gift I have been given is writing and I have not been using it; I have been making excuses. This scripture was sent to me as a wake-up call. Am I going to use my gift or let it disappear?

As soon as this inspiration came to me, tempting obstacles began popping up in front of me. I was offered two jobs, both of which would be great for kids in school and using my skills of editing. So, were these offers what I was supposed to pursue? Or a fake trail in my maze of inspiration?

Thankfully, my husband has always been supportive and understanding. We discussed, prayed, fasted, and went to the temple. We both came to the conclusion that I needed to spend my time working towards a writing career. I have been inspired that I could not “waste” my time at home. I needed to be highly aware of using my time wisely. I was also given a blessing that told me I could help my family grow closer as I made my decision and followed my dream.

So, please join me as I embark on a journey that will challenge me in ways I’m sure I cannot imagine (yet). I will be sharing my ups and downs, my selections and rejections, and my days full of hard work. Please send suggestions, positive thoughts, and prayers my way!


  1. How lucky we are as Latter-Day Saints to have modern revelation and the temple to help us through the confusions of mortality. Thank you for setting an example of standing in Holy Places to get your answers.

    Also, don't be so hard on yourself for not coming to this conclusion any sooner. You've been raising a beautiful family. "By their fruits shall ye know them." I don't believe you're late coming to this conclusion... in fact, I think you're right on time.
    : )

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Of course, I think you've made the right decision. You're tremendously gifted in writing and it would be a shame not to magnify it for the benefit of all, including yourself.

    Love your blog. You should probably think about adding a subscription, so that interested readers can sign up and then be notified by email every time you post.

  4. I am excited for your new adventure. ANWA is a wonderful group to belong to. I wish you the best. Christy Monson

  5. Cheering for you and looking forward to reading your works!

  6. Hooray! I will look forward to hearing from you :-)
