Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Parenting Dreams or Reality

A couple of weeks ago I found out that a friend is pregnant with her eighth child. My first reaction was the same one I am sure you are all having. WHAT? But then I decided to consider my reaction. And I realized that there must be a sliver of jealousy underneath my reaction. (I said sliver.)

I grew up in a family of six kids and I have always wanted to have a large family of my own. In fact, if you ask my husband, I wanted to have eight kids when we met, although I don't remember ever saying that.  When my oldest child was little, I ran a home daycare to bring in some extra money. As crazy and tiring as it was, I loved having the house full of noise and little active bodies. After having four children of our own, we decided our family was complete. But now, I have three children in my home and I wonder if I still had my four, would my home feel more complete than it does now?

Oh, the joys of having a new baby. I love being pregnant, it's such a great feeling to have a living being inside your body and to be nourishing and caring for it in all ways. To feel it move and hear a heartbeat never stops being a surreal experience.

Then the baby is born. He is so sweet and cuddly, and loud and demanding and frustrating and hard work. Wouldn't it be great to skip the infant and toddler stage? Couldn't we go straight to age 4 or 5?

 I love being able to interact with my child as a person instead of a needy entity that seems to never be satisfied. I admit that it's so much easier, when he says he is hungry, and I can send him to the kitchen to find food and when she cries I can send her to her room until she is ready to talk. I can carry on a conversation and teach them new skills. How fun to see them achieve new things and learn how to make decisions in a confusing world.

Would i want eight kids if I didn't have to deal with the infants and toddlers? I was blessed this week to have three extra boys at our house. We had six kids ages six to thirteen. The kids played together, worked together, and their imaginations ran wild. Would it be this fun if I did it 365 days a year?

I haven't talked to my friend about the choice to have a big family. I would love to hear her thoughts behind being a parent and the reasons they have decided to share their love with many children. I'm sure there are hurdles that must be crossed when you make a choice that most people would find disconcerting. Things like being the inspiration for a blog, for example. But it must bring some great blessings also.

Leave your comments about: Is your family small or large? What are the blessings and challenges? What is your favorite stage of childhood? Which ones you would rather skip?

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