Depression is a Weakness
I read a sad and gripping story on ESPN recently about a young talented college student who committed suicide. The sweet girl was trying to put on a happy face for all to see, but kept her true worries and sadness hidden. Even when asked point blank how she was doing, she would downplay her depression. There is one line in the story which caught my eye and stuck in my mind, "The myth still exists that happiness is a choice, which perpetuates the notion of depression as weakness." I have written many blog posts about choices, and I do believe that you can choose to change your attitude, but this quote got me thinking.
We all know people who enjoy being miserable (I'm sure you are thinking of one or two right now), but most people, given the choice, would obviously choose happiness over depression. Yet depression is more common than we like to think.
But, you see, depression is a weakness.
It is a weakness in our society: We are scared to admit how we truly feel because of the stigma that follows.
It is a weakness in families: We don't know how much to push to get our loved ones help. We don't know what to believe when we are told "I'm doing fine."
It is a weakness in friendship: We put on a happy face and make sure those around us only see a "perfect life."
It is a weakness in humanity: It is so hard to see beyond the pit of depression we find ourselves in. It is almost impossible to imagine things getting better.
I still believe happiness is a choice.
We can choose to support those around us, be there to listen and to give help when needed.
We can choose to be honest. Don't be a grouchy Gus, but don't be afraid to share your worries and struggles.
We can choose to share our struggles and successes. Help others see that we all have dark times and yet the sunshine does come again.
We can choose to reach out to those around us. Love and friendship go a long way.
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