one word:
It's awfully hard to keep your family safe, not just from those in your community, but literally from the entire world. (Don't call Captain Literally on me--cause it's literally true!)
Keeping up with the Joneses has now become keeping up with the Thompsons, the Mitchells, the Morenos, the Ongs, the Medinas. You can never do enough, have enough, be talented enough. When is enough enough?
We have all these great modern conveniences, yet we never seem to have extra time. Where does all that time go? What stops us from looking around to notice the messy kitchen, the dirty laundry, the lawn too long? How often do we get off the devices and spend some time with our kids?
How cool is it that we get to connect with people all around the world? We can find answers and information at the tip of our fingers. Yet these blessings come with a dark side. It means that we must be vigilant parents at all times. We have to be prepared and prepare our children, not for what may come, but for what WILL come. Don't give up, and don't bury your head. Stand up and be a parent!
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