Monday, October 14, 2013

Gifts of Women

I woke up with a pounding headache this morning, which made my post this week a little late, but it also reminded me of why I am grateful to be a woman.

My head was throbbing and I tried to think of any excuse I could to take a long bath and let everything else in my life go away. That's when I realized all the strength that is surrounding me in the form of my friends. I know I don't face this life alone.

Women have been a strength to this world from Eve to Joan of Arc to Mother Teresa. But there are also strong women who stand in the background and bless those around them everyday without any recognition from the world.

Women strengthen and encourage one another. I have a friend that has been battling a life-long illness with a depression that accompanies it. She has days when she can't even get out of bed. She would probably be surprised to know that I admire her strength. She has a full-time job and two kids. Even though she struggles some days to even answer the phone, she keeps going.

When we are not sure what to do next, we ask a friend. I believe that women are sent to teach each other. We can learn from history, but even better we can learn from the women that surround us today. Having lived all of my married life away from family, I have learned to utilize the wisdom of friends. After my daughter died, I began a friendship that included a long walk once a week. What a joy and healing experience those walks became. My friend taught me how to live again as we laughed, cried, walked, talked, listened, and bonded.

Women do when others can't. How many times have you decided you just can't do one more thing and then been asked to do one more thing? If you are like me, the answer is almost everyday. I had a friend next door to me years ago who was there whenever I needed her. She watched my daughter; she helped me clean my house; she fed me dinner; she loved me. Her support was how I made it through the first seven years my husband was on sea duty in the Navy.

Friends feed your spirit. It is impossible to describe the feelings you receive from a true friend just being near you. The knowledge that you are loved and valued fills the air and you are refreshed. I could list hundreds of friends in this category. I'm so grateful to the many friends across the nation who fill my spirit everyday.

Thank a friend today, let her know of your love.

Comment, tell me: What do your friends do for you?

1 comment:

  1. My friends fill up my prayers with Thanksgiving!! They are truly gifts from God.
