Rich and poor have the same amount of me.
What you do with me will decide who you are.
There is no way to get more of me, although humans have tried throughout history.
I am what everyone wants most, but uses the worst.
This week has been on of the craziest on record for the Haggard household. I have been working a part-time temp job; we have raced from ice skating to lacrosse to Aladdin practice, with cello and piano lessons sprinkled in. I began to wonder about our use of time. Why does there never seem to be enough of it?
Don't we live in a day where there are more "time saving" devices than ever before? So, I have a question: Where does all that time go that we are supposed to be saving? I'd like to know if anyone ever sits around wondering what to do with all their "extra" time.
So that made me begin to wonder: If no one actually has extra time, how do we decide what is the best use of our time? Brainstorm: We physically CAN'T do everything we want to do even need to do.
That's pretty freeing, it's impossible to do everything. It can't be expected of me to do it all.
Guess what that means? I have to choose. You have to choose.
What will you choose to do with your time today? Spend it wisely!
Have a Nerf gun fight with your kids, don't worry about the laundry.
Take your dog for a walk, you can vacuum later.
Visit your neighbor, the dishes will be there tomorrow.
Do the laundry and the dishes with your kids, it may not be done "right," but it will be done. You have better things to do with your time.
Tuck your kids into bed, tell them you love them. Time could surprise you tomorrow.
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