A couple of weeks ago, I received a book in the mail from my sister entitled, Sisters. All I had to do was read the intro to realize I agreed completely. "Of the many relationships in a woman's life, the mystical connection between sisters is unique. It stretches and bends through periods of closeness and distance, but it cannot be broken."
Here's what's great about sisters:
1) You can trust her with your secrets. She will keep them safe, and she knows which secrets need to be told.
2) She will support you, always. She is the one person in the world who wants you to succeed just because she loves you.
3) She is always waiting for you. It doesn't matter how long it's been since you've seen each other or even talked, she's waiting to hear from you.
4) You can trust her. She will tell you the truth, even when it hurts her to tell you.
5) You will never be jealous of her. You love her so much and she loves you. You can be proud of each other without one hint of jealousy.
6) She is the one person you never get tired of. There is never enough time to be with your sister.
7) You don't have to worry about offending her. She can take it, and she will still love you.
8) She will listen to your worries and won't make you feel stupid for stressing the little things.
10) She will always be yours. No one can take her away from you.
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