Monday, June 24, 2013

Six Ways to Handle Conflict Within Your Group

How we react to conflict will affect our health and our happiness. Read on for tips to handle the inevitable controversy that will erupt in your life.

1) Gain perspective. Although the conflict may seem insurmountable and life-changing, usually in a few months, with the challenge behind you, the importance of the conflict will seem much smaller. Don't let this mouse of a problem turn into an elephant.

2) Listen to everyone with an open mind. Each person involved will have their own point of view and each one will bring a different perspective to the conflict. Be willing to listen as you put yourself in their shoes.  When you understand why someone feels they way they do it is much easier to come to a resolution.

3) Be careful with social media and email. These tools are important and powerful. Remember anything you send electronically can be public forever. Be careful when you respond to an email without taking a breath first. Try typing the response then saving it in your drafts folder. Read it over again in a few hours or even the next day. This way you can have a clear head before you hit send.

4) Avoid gossiping and placing blame. It's so easy to let off steam when talking to others involved in the conflict who share your opinions, but be careful to make your conversations productive. It doesn't help to point fingers or share what someone did that made you angry. Talking to someone who is not part of the situation may be a good way to clear your head. Just make sure the person you choose to talk to won't get pulled into the problem. (Consider a family member or friend who lives far from you.)

5) Do something positive. Don't wait around for the problem to fix itself, do something. This doesn't necessarily mean "fixing the problem." Use the energy that is being eaten up dealing with the conflict in a positive way instead. Organize a service project, offer to help on a committee, or find a way to spruce up your environment.

6) Take time for yourself and your family. Make sure your family time is not being taken up with worry and whispered phone calls. Don't forget to spend time exercising, enjoying nature, or drawing closer to God. These activities help to center your mind and remind you what is truly important.

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