Sunday, October 4, 2015

That's Right, I'm a Roller Girl!

I started skating with our local roller derby team about a month ago. I haven't said much to people because I wasn't sure where it was going to go, but I'm ready to make a commitment. Here's why I've decided to join Atomic City Roller Girls:

1) It's something just for me. I spend so much time running kids around and doing things for others. This is just for me.

2) I get to meet some great ladies. Everyone has been so accepting and supportive, it's made learning easy and fun. And this is a group of women I probably wouldn't get to know in any other way. My circle of friends is expanding.

3) I get to be pretty and tough at the same time. (I must admit, I'm pretty sure my husband thinks it's hot.) Where else can you wear spandex in public and blend right in?

4) It's hard! I'm having a great time, but it is not easy. I'm pushing outside my comfort zone and enjoying the small successes as I learn new things. I'm understanding just a little bit more of how my kids must feel in their struggles.

5) I love to see the looks on people's faces when I say, "I'm doing Roller Derby!"

I'm not sure where this is going, but right now I'm enjoying the roll.

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