Monday, November 24, 2008

Joy in the Journey

I was so happy to go to church yesterday and hear the lesson given by Pres Monson about having "joy in the journey."

Of course, I have to add that sometimes those lessons annoy me. You know, the whole, find the positive in all your trials. yeah, you try finding the positive in your daughter dieing. That is a tough one. All I can do now is just be grateful for what I still have. I know my life is changing and I am not sure where it is going.

But, I think I was ready to hear this lesson and it is something I have been working on lately. I want to enjoy my life the way it is instead of just making it day to day. I love spending time with my kids and I hope they feel that too.

During the lesson, our teacher asked how do we find happiness when we are being beat up by life. Someone answered, just decide to be happy. She asked if that was all we had to do. I answered that "Yes, it is as easy as that. We need to decide how we want to live our lives. It is a choice." As the lesson progressed and people responded to questions, I realized that my answer was only part of the solution. The beginning part. Once we decide that we want our life to be like, we have to take steps to make our life happy. Of course, for each of us those steps will be different. In my life I need to work on relying more on Christ and his ability to heal all wounds.
I kind of feel bad that my answer about just deciding to be happy was not the entire truth. I know that there is more to it, but for me the realization of making the decision to be happy made such a difference in my depression. I hope to keep my forward motion going. I think Katie would be proud of me.

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