Saturday, September 27, 2008

Marching Along

I really should be getting some other things done, but since I haven't blogged in a while I thought I would catch up on a few things.

First--I got an A on my first paper! I am so excited! Yeah for me.

Second--I drove the scooter to school on Thursday. It was actually kind of scary in parts. I really don't like going over 45 MPH on that thing. I am hoping that with practice it will not be so scary. Of course I won't be able to ride it much longer with winter coming up. I will ride on Tuesdays because I am done with class by 4:00. Thursdays I have class untill 6:45-so it is starting to get dark. I actually chickened out and had Brad come and get me on Thursday. I rode the scooter half way then he picked me up and I drove the van the rest of the way home. Anyway, I think I can do it. It is going to take some nerve and some practice. Wish me luck.

Third--I made it through the six month mark without too much issues. I did have a great friend come over and sit with me that night. We just talked and laughed and I ignored the "whole Katie thing". It is so hard for me to be a cry baby in front of other people (even when I want to). I heard that Katie's gym in Washington put some pick elephants on the banners that bare her name. I sure hope I get a picture of that. That means so much to me. It makes me feel like she will always be remembered there.

Thanks for listening!


  1. Not a day goes by the girls at gym don't think of her and miss her! We took Taylor, MJ & Danessa to the Olympic Gymnasts Tour at the tacoma dome yesterday, they had on the pink elephant zipper ties. We also saw the "pink elephant" car wash on the way out of tacoma. I also heard them talking about Katie when we got back to our house as they were looking at Taylor's elephant collection. They miss her tons & they look up to her sooo much.

  2. You are brave to ride the scooter! That was so nice of Brad to come and pick you up. David would have said, "Get over it - you have to do it sometime!" and then I would have plotted some kind of mean trick. ;) Way to go on your "A"! You are such a good writer.
