Saturday, September 6, 2008


Of course nothing can be easy. There was a planned Ward temple trip today and we decided to do Katie's temple work on that day. Well, Hurricane Hannah messed us all up. The ward decided to cancel the trip. My friend offered to watch my kids so we could still go. We ended up farming out our kids and taking my friend with us. It ended up being a long and emotional day. it was also very calm and reassuring. I felt close to Katie and close to the Spirit World. It was a good day.


  1. Dear Trish and Brad,
    Our thought and love are with you,
    Yes, the tempel is a wonderful place to be near Angels... We Love you and your family..
    Grama Charlyn and Gpa Bob. (Idaho)

  2. I'm so happy that you got to go and do the work that Katie couldn't do on her own! Isn't it neat that she still needed you so much for that? You ALWAYS need your mama.
